Friday 23 August 2013


I believe that we all perceive the world around us differently and the reason for that is how were brought up, sounds obvious I know, But how does this shape us as human beings ? Even if you've been brought up differently how can two people be so similar later in life, regardless of what physical and emotional damage we may have experienced or are still experiencing in everyday life.

Psychedelics promote the other side of thought process what is usually hidden deep within our own minds, they make us confront our demons and insecurity's, many people fight this perception shift as its easier to believe what we already know, and not challenge our own status quo.

We must also look at how other people's perceptions change our own, For the last few years I think we have been almost shunned away from looking within ourselves and talking openly about it.
If one person cant be completely honest when in discussion about this type of thing then our own perception will change as we wouldn't want to be viewed as 'different' and even when it is different this goes all the way back to how we were raised as our guardians have raised us on there own perceptions they made when they were young (and was most probably being judged for it)
People are to easily accepting anything they are told to feel without asking why.

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