Monday 2 September 2013

A new approach

Every 10, 20 or even 30 years we all experience a drastic culture change, everything from music to fashion, hair to language, go out of fashion as quick as they came in, this is also the same for drugs.

The 60's had a counter culture revolution, no long where everyday people willing to stand idly by and be told something they knew to be false, it became acceptable to challenge conventional knowledge.
A support structure followed what aloud people to come to there own conclusions, through unbiased discussion, this happened for a wide range of subjects, most important to me was the use of psychedelics. This paved the way for many great teachers and writers to come out of obscurity.
Timothy Leary, Alan Watts, Terence McKenna, Richard Alpert, Ralph Metzner even Ken Kesey (author of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest) had a lasting impact on the generation of the time.
An impact so significant that its still wrote about today. I do not pretend to know everything about this time/generation but I believe I can take a well educated guess at what they meant at the time.
It was the first time when conventional ideas where thrown out and regarded as nonsense. Although at the same time many people write off psychedelics of as trivial waste of time.
I do not pretend to know 'the truth' or claim to be enlightened in any sense of the word, but I do know how to think for myself and challenge conformity. I'm not talking about sit ins or demonstrations at government agencies, that would be a waste of time, what wouldn't really achieve anything apart from get me a criminal record.

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